Sunday, October 20, 2013

Shunga Trail


            Kansas sure has been blessing us with some beautiful yet confusing weather. Some days it is cold and rainy and others it is sunny and beautiful. No matter what the weather it is always a beautiful day for a run!

I recently got a request from a fellow blogger to discuss different running trails and routes around the lovely city of Topeka.

I haven’t explored much of Topeka for trails but the trail that I have explored is the “Shunga Trail”.

I adore the “Shunga Trail” for several reasons…

1     1. It is close to the Washburn campus. One habit that people frequently get into is driving somewhere to run. In some situations, it is necessary but I absolutely love doing something that is close by and absolutely free.

With a trail so close you can either do an easy warm up jog or walk on your way to the trail. Once you get to the trail you can stretch and begin your relaxing trail run.

2  2. It is aesthetically appealing. Some running trails may be “run down”, covered in trash and just down right ugly. The “Shunga Trail” is just the opposite.  It is cute, quaint and goes through a little park.  One can’t help but relax while they run on this trail.

3  3.  It shows you how far you have run. Some running trails might have mile markers placed on the side. One unique trait of this trail is that there are red stripes painted on the trail. The red stripes indicate a fourth of a mile. For example, if a runner passes four red stripes, they have run a mile.

One important thing to always remember while running is being safe.  Running in groups of two or more is safer than running solo.  

At times it may be inconvenient but it is crucial.  Some people may not be social runners but if you run on a trail it is always in your best interest to run with a buddy or two. Having a buddy will even make the run more exciting.

Running with a buddy is important. But even if you can’t find someone to run with just remember that Jesus is always with you. The Bible states “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of age” Matthew 28:20. God is always there for you, no matter if you are on a run, at the grocery store, or even in class. He is and will always be there with you until the end of time.

God Bless!


  1. Since I've been in Topeka I normally stay on campus to work out, so it's nice to know I have other options that are close and free! Maybe when you get better acquainted with the trails in Topeka you could do a separate page on your blog and rate them so we know which are do's and don'ts! Just a thought. Have a good week!

  2. Your posts are very inspirational. I personally do yoga for exercise but I love coming here to see what else is available to me! Keep up the good work.
