Saturday, November 2, 2013

Exercising Is All Fun and Games

Hello Beautiful People,

Running, I have to admit, is sometimes boring. Exercising at times is boring, too, if you don’t spice it up! I have the perfect cure for the “workout blues”. They are simply fun little things called games.

I was thinking about this issue while on a run the other day. I then thought back to my old cross country days and when we would sometimes play games as a substitute for a speed workout. These two were my favorite games:

1. Toilet Tag: This essentially is a glorified “freeze tag”. In this game one or more people are “it”.  (The actual number depends on the number of people playing tag.) People run around trying to avoid the taggers. If a person gets tagged he or she must get down on one knee with their hand out flat almost like a flush function on a toilet.

To get back in the game, another person who is not “it” must come by and “flush” the person. This can be repeated however long you want. The trick to this game is to constantly stay moving, even if no one is chasing you.

2. Ultimate Frisbee: This was probably the most popular game on my cross-country team. Basically it is almost like football but with a Frisbee. You split up into teams and then each team decides on a place for your “goals”. Each side alternates trying to get points. It is a good sprinting workout because while waiting to catch the Frisbee you must run around in order to find an open spot to receive the catch.

Normally people play until one side gets three “goals” and wins. The beauty of this game is the more people playing the better! This game can be played as many times as you want and it is a good bonding experience.

The only draw back of playing games is finding enough people to make the games fun. My suggestion as a college student is to grab your frat brothers, your sorority sisters or even people on your floor for a night of fun and exercise.

One of the many good things about being a Christian is having fellowship with fellow believers. “We who had sweet fellowship together, Walked in the house of God in the throng” Psalm 55:14. Fellowship can be worshiping together, hanging out or simply playing a game on the union lawn. Make time for fellowship with fellow believers who have Jesus in their hearts.

Have a blessed weekend!



  1. That brings me back to the days I was in track, we would play those games a day after a meet, just too cool down. I think that's a great idea. Our hall gets together and does an activity on Wednesday nights, I'll have to suggest this. Thanks! You have a really strong blog and I enjoy reading!

  2. I particularly like this post because I do think working out can be boring at times. I like these workouts it allows me to hang out with my friends and get a great work out in without thinking about it. I also like how you posted some activities that can be done outside and inside. The bible verse is perfect for this post.
