Thursday, November 21, 2013

You Are What You Eat Pt. 2

Happy Thursday!

The week is almost over, and Thanksgiving is fast approaching. In my last post I discussed foods to eat before a workout.   So in this post I will be sharing my wisdom on items to eat after a workout:

·      Drink chocolate milk: I never understood why the chocolate was important but my coaches would always encourage us to drink it after practice. Milk contains nutrients and proteins that help prevent and heal sore muscles.  Chocolate just makes it taste better. J

·      Protein: Protein is always smart to eat after a workout. Eating protein allows the body to restore muscles and helps it to heal and become stronger. My favorite proteins to eat after a workout include steak, scrambled eggs, chicken and any other red meats.

·      Water: Drinking water after a workout is as important as drinking water before a workout. After working out, your body loses a lot of water due to sweating. In order to replenish the lost water your body needs water. Don’t chug water after a workout because it could make you sick. Sips are better. I usually take eight sips and then take breaks in between and repeat as necessary.

One idea that my coaches always taught me was the “two hour, 20 minute rule”. This rule basically states that in less than two hours you should have a sustainable meal in your stomach and in less than 20 minutes water should be in your system. This rule is formulated to allow your body to recover and be ready for the next day.

Going back to the blessing of the food idea, another verse that my family would say during meals was 1 Corinthians 11:24-27: “And when he had given thanks, he broke [it], and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Jesus gave everything for us to be reborn with our sins. While living in Kansas, it is hard to see that most of us live a very blessed life.  We sometimes forget that not everyone is as blessed as we are. I still encourage you to pray before you eat but also to just thank Jesus for everything you have been blessed with.

Enjoy your Thursday,


1 comment:

  1. Again, love this post. Chocolate milk is one you wouldn't usually think of, will have to try. Love the bible verse, once again. Gives your blog such a nice touch.
