Sunday, November 17, 2013

Shopping is a Runner's Best Friend

Hello fellow runners,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Fall is now in full swing and it is beautiful. Since Christmas is fast approaching it is time to get your Christmas list together. It you are like me, you have absolutely no idea what you want for Christmas. But running gear is always a good gift idea. If you have family members that want to get you some gear or you need places to shop, here are my top two favorite stores for running apparel:

1.     Dick’s Sporting Goods: Dick’s has almost every sporting item anyone could ever want or imagine. They have shoes for all different types of sports, apparel, recreational gear, boats, and my favorite running accessories.

The only downside to this store is that the employees aren’t always “experts” in all of the sports. So make sure to do your research before making any important or expensive purchases.

Besides the occasional unknowledgeable employee, this store is a great stop for gifts. They are always having coupons in the Sunday paper and sales happening.

2.     Gary Gribbles: Gary Gribbles is my absolute favorite running store. It started out as a single store in Kansas City but has branched out to have stores in Lawrence, Topeka, Independence, and Overland Park. It is such a wonderful store because they treat everyone that walks into the store as an all-star athlete.

Every athlete can receive a personalized shoe fitting. Unlike other stores, their employees are actually runners themselves and understand the importance of a good shoe and genuinely want the best for you.

Besides shoes, Gary Gribbles sell a wide assortment of Nike, Mizuno, Saucony and many other running brand merchandise. Always keep your eyes out for discounts like “buy a pair of shoes and get free socks”.  They are having deals all the time.

If you are still looking for more stores to go Christmas shopping or to help your relatives out, check out my new page on athletic stores in Topeka.

The bible verse that kept me motivated this week was Psalm 3:6: “I will not be afraid of many thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around.” Many times this past week I have felt defeated. This week reminded me that God has never given me anything I can not handle and just to take a deep breath. Besides if Jesus can keep a brave face with so many people against him, I can get through school.

Have a wonderful week!


1 comment:

  1. Love how you added a page of running/athletic stores in Topeka. That will be very helpful for my upcoming Christmas shopping. My cousin is big into running and runs at Oklahoma State University, so I know where I'm going to go to get his present this year. Great job!
