Saturday, November 9, 2013

Safely yours


I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I want to talk about some running safety tips. There are many important tips but here are two important tips:

1.     I know I have already mentioned it, but make sure you run with a buddy. There have been numerous accounts of people being abducted while running alone. It doesn’t even matter if it is in the early morning, middle of the day, or late at night, you should always run with a buddy. I am very guilty at running alone, but I am working on it. If you insist on running alone just make sure you run in broad daylight on open streets.

2.     I have a very hard time doing this, but don’t run with headphones in. The danger of running with headphones is that you aren’t aware of your surroundings. When running with music you are unaware of the honking, the jibber-jabber, and the pain. If you aren’t aware of honking, you could possibly cross the street and not be aware of a car coming towards you.  Also by not hearing people, you could become startled when people are behind you. Most importantly you could miss hearing your friends say hello as they drive past.

Safety may be annoying at times, but remember it can be life-saving.

The bible verse that I chose this week is 2 Corinthians 4:9: “We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” It has been a very difficult few weeks for me. I have been through failure, disappointment and sadness. Sadly at times I felt like I had nothing left. But God is always there to pick us up no matter what situation we encounter.

Have a blessed day,



  1. Those are some great safety tips for the running during the day. I personally like to run at night during the summer because of the cooler weather. Do you have any safety tips while running at night? The quote that you have provided reminds me of the word perseverance. I think perseverance is important to remember as we learn and grow up.

  2. I think it's nice you added the safety tips as a post. It's something we all know, but tend forget the importance of our safety, as well as others around us. I also am guilty about running by myself. I feel like that's one activity to completely clear my mind and get away from it all, but I'll work on it-especially living in Topeka! I think transitioning to college is such a huge and scary adjustment that takes time to get used to. Love the quote. Motivates me to keep going!
